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FAA Glossaries

Touring Machine Company

Quick Weather, NOTAMs, and TFR Check

Most FBOs have a computer for checking the weather but I can never remember the addresses for METARs, NOTAMs, and TFRs. This is a list of sites I check before returning. Now that Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs) like ForeFlight and WingsX have weather, NOTAMS, and TFRs built in, this page isn’t as useful as it used to be. I kept it just in case you want to visit the sites where they get their data.

Metar lookup and my home Metars

NWS Local Forecast Fill in your city or zip.


Active Special Use Airspace (SUAs)


NOAA’s Aviation Weather Briefing



ADSB and RAIM Prediction Tool

And just in case you need to check sunrise and sunset.
Sun and Moon Data

Links last updated 2017-01-04.

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